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Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Teeth grinding is when you grind or clench your teeth

You may find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth without even realising, whether it be when you are awake or when you are asleep. In mild cases of teeth grinding (or bruxism) you may not require attention, however more serious cases need attention to prevent permanent damage from occurring.

Symptoms of teeth grinding

In mild cases of teeth grinding, you may not even realise. It may take a dentist or family member to notice. Some signs and symptoms that you may have bruxism include:

  • Clenching or grinding your teeth
  • Fractured, cracked or chipped teeth
  • Tooth loss
  • Flattened or worn teeth
  • Increased tooth pain or sensitive teeth
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles, including locked jaw
  • Pain or soreness in your jaw, neck, face or ears
  • Headaches
  • Damage from chewing on the inside of your cheek
  • Disrupted sleep

Causes of teeth grinding

There are some key factors that contribute to the cause of teeth grinding and the severity, these include;

  • Increased stress, anxiety or frustration
  • Age – common amongst young children
  • Personality – including competitive, or hyperactive
  • Medications
  • Family history
  • Other medical disorders such as sleep-related disorders including sleep apnoea

When to see a dentist

If are unsure about teeth grinding or bruxism, talk to your Maven dentist

Book an appointment to see them as soon as possible if:

  • Pain lasts longer than a day or two
  • Your pain is severe or starts to become unbearable
  • You have an earache or pain when opening your mouth wide
  • You have chipped, cracked, loose or worn teeth
  • You are concerned about teeth clenching or grinding


Are you in pain?

  • If you’re experiencing pain and need emergency dental care, call us and we’ll get you in fast for an emergency appointment.

What's Next?

Learn more about some possible treatment options with your local Maven Dental practice. We recommend you book an appointment with a dentist to further discuss and provide expert advice on relieving your pain and how you can achieve great oral health.


The cost of assessing and treating your teeth grinding or bruxism depends on whether it is a mild or severe case. Teeth grinding or bruxism, can be a symptom to other related dental problems, we recommend booking an appointment to discuss with your Maven dentist. They will be able to diagnose the cause, the best treatment plan and explain any fees associated with treatment.

Also known as bruxism, teeth clenching or grinding is quite common particularly amongst young children due to the growth of new teeth. Whilst less common amongst adults, there are ways to best manage this. Talk to your Maven dentist about how to best treat teeth grinding or bruxism.

Clenching or grinding your teeth can be causes by many contributing factors. These may include lifestyle, behaviour such as anxiety or periods of concentration. Bruxism can develop if you have an oral condition such as abnormal bite, missing teeth or even crooked teeth.

This depends on the cause of the teeth clenching or grinding. Your dentist will assess the cause and recommend the best course of action to treat any damage caused by clenching or grinding and to stop you from further grinding your teeth.

It all comes down to taking care of your oral health, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  keeping on top of your at-home dental care and building a regular relationship with your dentist or dental hygienist is essential for maintaining good health and managing bruxism or teeth grinding.

We recommend daily healthy habits and regular visits to the dentist. For a healthy smile and overall good oral health:

  • Practice good oral hygiene habits at home including brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day
  • Book routine hygiene & check-up visits with a dentist or dental hygienist ideally every 6 months or as advised by your dentist

We understand that some people feel anxious about visiting the dentist.  At Maven Dental, we work hard to make you feel comfortable and to create environments that feel safe and welcoming.  We also believe that communication is key and invite you to share any concerns you may have prior or upon arrival.

While everyone is different, we’ve created a list of tips that can help to reduce anxiety related to dentist visits – read more