In the Chair | 15 June, 2018

In The Chair with Dr Celso Cardona

Did you know that great oral health goes beyond just simply brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing? We chat with Dr Celso Cardona, lead dentist at Maven Dental Burwood and Maven Dental Avalon Beach, to learn what other factors contribute to your overall oral health. He also shares with us how dentistry has played a role in his life from a very young age and what interests he has outside of the practice.

How long have you worked in the dental industry?

I have been involved in the dental industry since I was a little kid. In fact, I come from a family of dentists. My father is a dentist, my brother is a dentist and my godmother is the practice manager for my dad's dental surgery.

I spent a lot of time at my dad's dental surgery when I was a child. Interestingly, I learnt how to read and write on the surgery's very old computer - those with the green screens - at the age of 5.

Where did you graduate from University and how long have you been practising for?

I graduated from Dentistry at the age of 21 in Brazil. I worked for 3 years at my dad's dental surgery and then moved to Sydney. I have since been working for 10 years as a dentist here in Australia, half of which have been with Maven.

Can you share with us what the dental routine of someone in really great health looks like?

The routine of someone with great oral health goes way beyond the usual advice of brush your teeth 2-3 times a day and floss every day. Our mouths are very complex environments and I take a holistic approach to oral health - it is clear that good oral hygiene is not enough. 

Beyond good oral hygiene, what other things do you take into consideration and how do you address them?

What you eat is of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, as much as it is widely known that sugar is bad for your teeth, we still see very high levels of decay - which is totally preventable. There are hidden sugars in over 70% of supermarket products and they all cause decay at varying degrees.

My team and I spend a considerable amount of time analysing the diet of our patients and coming up with an achievable plan to reduce the risk of dental problems. This plan usually includes products that help prevent dental disease. However, as we all know, just having a plan does not mean you will follow it: we double up as "coaches" at our practice, making sure you stick to the plan. 

Over the last 5 years, with this approach, we have seen VERY rewarding results - with patients that used to need a filling on every dental appointment transforming into patients that need no other treatment except check-ups and cleans every 6 months.

When you're not busy helping patients achieve exceptional oral health, where can we find you most weekends?

I am a very committed yogi - I practice yoga 6 days a week, meditate daily and maintain a healthy lifestyle. So you will definitely find me at a yoga studio on the weekends. I have a bunch of other hobbies, including rock climbing, escape rooms, video games and travelling.

Want to get your oral health back on track? Book an appointment online with Dr Celso Cardona at Maven Dental Burwood or Maven Dental Avalon Beach. Dr Cardona and his friendly team will provide you with a holistic approach to help you achieve and maintain exceptional oral health.