Do you often find yourself avoiding certain foods or drinks due to sensitive teeth? You’re not alone! Thousands of Australians suffer from teeth sensitivity every year and in turn are often left feeling uncomfortable and even frustrated. To help you get to the root of the problem we uncover some of the causes of teeth sensitivity and provide some tips on how you can reduce it.
Tooth sensitivity, or dentin hypersensitivity as it is also referred too, is a sudden, sharp, shooting pain into the nerve endings of your tooth/teeth. This feeling is generally prompted by hot, cold, sweet or sour food and drinks, and cold air.
Sensitive teeth occur as a result of the tooth’s dentin layer losing the protective covering of enamel, exposing the nerve endings or pulp. Once the enamel has receded or been worn away, hot, cold, sweet or sour food/drinks can travel down the thousands of tiny tubules (tubes) in the dentin layer to the exposed nerve endings causing a sudden, sharp pain. Ouch!
Did you know?
“Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body”
There are a number of reasons as to why teeth sensitivity may occur; so, we’ve put together a list of some of the more common causes to help you get a better understanding of what might be triggering that unwanted pain.
Tooth sensitivity can also be triggered by dental procedures; however, this is usually temporary and commonly subsides in 4-6 weeks. If it persists after this time, we recommend you get in contact with your dental healthcare professional
Following these simple tips can assist in reducing your tooth sensitivity, although if you find yourself still experiencing any symptoms talk to your Maven dentist once our practices re-open. They will be able to work with you to find a suitable solution or may even suggest applying a varnish or sealer on the exposed surface of your teeth.