We can all agree that keeping your oral health in tip-top shape is an important part of overall wellness.
While a trip to the dentist is just another straightforward appointment for some, just the thought of sitting in the dental chair can be anxiety-inducing enough for some patients to delay appointments or avoid the dentist altogether.
The good news is that there is a treatment readily available that removes the anxiety around visiting the dentist and is perfect for those who suffer from dental fear! Specialized Maven Dental clinics offer IV Sedation, sending you into a peaceful sleep while your dentist can complete your procedure. Also known as sleep dentistry; sedation uses the latest equipment and technology. The treatment involves pain-free sedation for dental procedures, so it feels like you’ve slept through your appointment!
Lead Dentist, Dr Celso Cardona from Maven Dental Inner West Sydney, says dentists not only want their patients to have regular checkups, but to be comfortable and relaxed when they’re in the dentist’s chair. He says an increasing number of people are seeking out sleep dentistry to get through their dental appointments.