Wellness Tips | 24 August, 2018

What is Bruxism and What Causes It?

Many people suffering from bruxism (commonly known as teeth grinding) aren’t even aware of the habit. It’s a condition that some may shrug off, but if left untreated it can cause long-term oral health concerns. Don’t worry, we have you covered with the need-to-know information to help you identify bruxism and what you can do to start managing it.

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism refers to the unconscious grinding, clenching, or gnashing of the teeth. It can be categorised into awake and sleep bruxism, leaving many unaware they are suffering from the habit. Both children and adults can be susceptible to teeth grinding and if left untreated, this habit can lead to more serious oral health problems. 

Why teeth grinding occurs?

So, why do we grind our teeth? It is not always clear why bruxism occurs and the reason for the condition can vary from person to person. Common causes of Bruxism can include:

  • Sleep Disorders – Sleep bruxism can be linked to other sleep disorders such as snoring, breathing pauses and sleep apnoea.
  • Psychological Factors – Stress, anxiety, frustration, and anger are just a few psychological factors that can cause teeth grinding.
  • Oral Health problems – there are a range of oral health issues that can cause teeth grinding. These can include high fillings, jaw misalignment or, missing or crooked teeth.

Teeth grinding can be a caused by one, or even a mixture of reasons. Identifying the cause of your teeth grinding can be difficult, therefore it is a great idea to take note of any concerns you have and bring them to the attention of your dentist. 

Interesting fact:

Many young children tend to grow out of teeth grinding by their early teens

Many people suffering from bruxism (commonly known as teeth grinding) aren’t even aware of the habit. It’s a condition that some may shrug off, but if left untreated it can cause long-term oral health concerns. Don’t worry, we have you covered with the need-to-know information to help you identify bruxism and what you can do to start managing it.

Bruxism Symptoms - How do I tell if I grind my teeth?

With bruxism being primarily an involuntary habit and occurring when we sleep, determining whether we grind our teeth becomes a little bit harder. This habit places a lot of pressure on the teeth and jaw and if left untreated can lead to long-term oral health concerns. The symptoms that we should be looking out for include:

  • Cracked tooth enamel
  • Fractured, chipped, loose, or sensitive teeth
  • Damage to dental fillings, crowns etc.
  • A dull headache (usually after waking)
  • Soreness of the Jaw joint and/or muscles
  • Jaw clenching
  • Aching and/or stiffness in the face and temples
  • Inflammation and recession of gums
  • A grinding sound when sleeping (you might’ve been kicked out of bed for this one!)

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Make a note of all of them and mention it to your dentist at your next appointment. While it may not necessarily be bruxism, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Treatment and Management

Bruxism can be a tricky habit to beat but managing the damage it causes is just as important as stopping it altogether. Teeth grinding can be caused by a mix of physical and psychological factors, and therefore treatment plans should be concerned with both.

Management and treatment does differ from person-to-person and consulting with your dentist is recommended to find the best plan for you. Whilst your dentist can not treat the mental side of bruxism, they are able to help manage the physical aspects and prevent further damage to the teeth.

  • Dentists can help manage physical issues that may be causing teeth grinding. Your dentist can correct problems such as overly high fillings, and crooked teeth. If you suffer from sleep bruxism, your dentist may also recommend fitting an occlusal splint or mouthguard. (NOTE: Occlusal Splints are a preventative measure to protect the teeth from further damage. They should not be considered a cure for Bruxism.)
  • It can be difficult to identify what psychological factors are playing a role in teeth grinding. Stress and anxiety are common factors, therefore researching methods to reduce these may help combat bruxism. If the source of your bruxism is emotional or psychological consider contacting support services such as Lifeline (131 114) or Beyond Blue (1300 224 636) before seeing your dentist. It is still a good idea to raise the issue with your dentist and, if necessary, they may be able to recommend an appropriate health professional to assist you.
  • Most young children that grind their teeth will eventually grow out of the habit. If teeth grinding persists, consider consulting with your dentist to identify the cause of the problem early.



TIP: It may be helpful to cut down on consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco products

The cause of bruxism can be a combination of physical and psychological factors. If you are experiencing symptoms, or are worried you grind your teeth, bring your concerns to the attention of your dentist at your next appointment.