Dental Services

Partial & Full Dentures

Missing Teeth? Everyone loves a full natural smile. Getting your great smile back is easy

Dentures have come a long way over the years and now we can fit them to suit your lifestyle. Modern techniques can now provide dentures that are secured in place with dental implants to provide better stability. Ask your Maven dentist if this is suitable for you.

What are Dentures?

Dentures (also known as false teeth) are custom-made to fit your mouth, so they can appear as natural teeth.  Constructed to replace missing teeth, dentures have traditionally been removable. More modern techniques can now provide secured dentures in place with dental implants. Book an appointment with your Maven dentist to find the best solution for you.


Immediate dentures

Should you require some or all of your natural teeth to be removed, you’ll need immediate dentures. Your dentist will work with you and the clinical dental technician to deliver an immediate denture.

How it works:

  • Take an impression of your mouth
  • Remove your tooth/teeth and fit denture right then and there
  • Review healing process during the first week
  • After 3 to 6 months your dentures are adjusted
  • After 6 to 12 months your dentures are re-lined


Replacing your dentures

To ensure that your dentures offer good support for your cheeks and lips and continue to fit well, you may need to replace your dentures every eight to ten years. If your dentures seem to be uncomfortable, worn or broken please get in contact with your nearest Maven Dental practice to book an appointment.


Re-lining your dentures

As your mouth gradually changes shape over time, you may notice that your dentures no longer fit as well as they used to.  If your dentures are less than four years old, they can be re-lined.  This is a simple procedure that can usually be carried out by your dentist on the same day and will get you smiling again.

Need to know


  • Making a denture usually requires at least 4 appointments
  • At the consultation, your Maven dentist will examine your teeth and recommend the best solution for you.
  • If you need teeth extracted, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth for an immediate denture. This denture will then be fitted at a later appointment, immediately after the teeth have been extracted.
  • After fitting, your dentist will see you for another appointment during the first week to review the healing process
  • Usually your dentures are adjusted within the first 3 to 6 months
  • Your dentures will then be re-lined within the first 6 to 12 months
  • Further appointments may be needed if you have any queries with your dentures

How long it takes

  • The consultation will usually take around 30 to 60 minutes
  • Following appointments will usually take around 1 hour

You may be asked about

  • Your dental and medical history.
  • Any pain or problems you may be experiencing with your dentures
  • Your normal dental home care routine

Before your appointment

No special preparation is needed

After your appointment

  • Eat soft foods that are easy to chew in the first few weeks following your denture fitting
  • Rinse with warm salt water to help with healing
  • Don’t smoke for at least 48 hours after denture surgery
  • Follow care instructions as directed by your Maven dentist

Quick tip

Following proper denture care as directed by your Maven Dentist, your dentures can last for years.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek advice from an appropriately qualified health practitioner


The cost of dentures or false teeth can be determined by whether you need new, immediate, replacement or re-lining dentures. Each case is unique, the price will vary depending on the number of dentures you are getting fitted. At the consultation appointment, your Maven dentist will examine your teeth and be able to give you an estimate of the cost of getting dentures.

Our experienced dental teams pride themselves in providing you with the best care when you visit our practices, we make sure you feel comfortable every step of the way. Your mouth takes time to adjust to the dentures post procedure, however we take impressions of your mouth to ensure the dentures are custom-made to fit you precisely, which will make them comfortable and effective. We recommend regular visits with your dentist during the healing and first year following the fitting, as you adjust to your new dentures.

Denture or False Teeth are custom made to your mouth to get your full smile back. If you are missing teeth, often you struggle to chew foods that you enjoy and shy away when smiling or talking. We recommend that you book a consultation with your Maven dentist to discuss the best options for you.

The Denture or False teeth that are often fitted in replacement of an extracted tooth will be immediate dentures. These will be fitted immediately after tooth extraction. Discuss your concerns with your Maven dentist in the consultation as they will advise the best treatment plan for you.